SHOUTcast DSP Plug-in v2.0.2 For Winamp

Sinds kort is er een update voor de DSP plugin van Winamp, je kunt de versie hier downloaden: (Directe download klik -> hier)

Veranderingen (Engels)

  • Added SHOUTcast 2 (Ultravox 2.1) support for the generated stream data
  • Cleanup and general fixes to the streaming support in the plug-in
  • Fixed settings not being saved on Vista / Windows 7
  • Fixed a number of lock-ups in the plug-in (should be more stable now)
  • Fixed plug-in to not stall if Winamp is not playing
  • Fixed a number of UI issues (tabs not showing in all cases, controls not in the correct tabbing order, theming issues, notification icon handling)
  • Config window now remembers its last position between use
  • Improved Lame encoder quality
  • Attempted to resolve standard AAC (LC-AAC) not working (additionally this is reported as audio/aacp so it will work with the YP)
  • Uses the current enc_aacplus.dll (AAC / AAC+ encoder) from the Winamp install used instead of bundling an old version from Winamp 5.1)
  • Fixed SHOUTcast 1 issue with titles containing “[” & “]”
  • Changes made to improve selection of the ‘microphone’ device allowing for more control over the capture device used
  • Added localisation support to the plug-in (including supporting localised encoder plug-ins when showing their configurations)
  • Some other minor changes including those from the 1.9.2 beta

Changes from v2.0.0

  • Fixed SHOUTcast 1 connection errors to a remote connection
  • Fixed authorisation error checking for Ultravox 2 & 2.1
  • More changes to the output manager to avoid out of sync states
  • Fixed timing issue which caused out of sequence Ultravox audio data frames in some scenarios
  • Fixed some localisation and tabbing order issues on the config pages
  • Removed unwanted encoder option on the Output -> Connection tab
  • Added a SHOUTcast 1 mode only information prompt on how to enter the password for DJ connections
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